
Plenty of festive cheer chez moi at the moment. I've nearly finished my xmas shopping (I got myself the lovely earrings below from Oxfam as a present to me). I have a date for my job interview so am just trying to prepare for that, and generally everything is looking pretty good at the moment. I'm exercising and don't seem to be gaining any weight, which is good. I'm also trying to get up a bit earlier, this is also being quite successful. I'm in a production of A Midsummer Night's Dream next summer, which is giving me something nice to aim for. If the builders over the road would just finish up everything would be perfect. In other news, I want to make pho (noodle soup) this week, as people are always talking about how good it is. We don't have any suitable bowls though, my sister might be able to lend me some.


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