
I got a flat tire on my new bike so consequently dumped it and went about the rest of my day on foot. When I finished work I got the bus, I needed to get two buses to pick it up but I didn't change at the first intersection, I went all the way into town just for the comfort of being on the bus, having nothing to do. I wrote a poem too, so one good thing came out of the day. Actaully two good things happened. I have changed both the inner tubes on my bike and it's working a lot better now. When I went to get them I saw an ex of mine working there, he looked really well and happy and he was really nice to me, which he had every right not to be.

I remember learning about Hindu shadow puppets at school,
the elephant god and the fighting men.
Nights around the fire and stories backlit with candles,
wonder and a promise of Indian adventures when I was older.


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