Autumn fashion

I notice as I am out and about that a lot of people are having trouble adapting to the changing seasons. Men especially. So I thought I'd do a quick update of what's happening in the fashion world. I have a lot of time to look in the shops, as I'm unemployed and I read magazines too. Plus if everyone does what I say then there will be eye-candy everywhere. Win.


Men: cords, comfort and chunky jumpers this season, think trendy social worker in East London. Think about adding a bit of colour. Here's a link to a colour wheel if you are feeling adventurous. Note that colour is more difficult to get right than neutrals. A very small amount goes a long way.

Even in winter, haircuts matter. Get a hat if your head gets cold. Learn to cut your own hair if you don't like hairdressers.

Another good tip is to look in the mirror and think "would I want to be friends with this person?" I just did this and realised that I urgently needed a fringe trim. A final recommendation is those shoes that are a cross between shoes and trainers. I really like them, however they don't last all that well and some are total toss.

Ladies: Anything goes really, but it's quite masculine at the moment. The mod/ punk look is back which is brilliant but it has racist overtones so needs to be used with care. If you add colour it doesn't look so bad but you start to look a lot less sharp, which is the whole point in the first place. Not quite sure how to solve that conundrum. Remember if shopping in charity shops that clothes really ought to be washed before wearing. Also there are quite a few plaid shirts which I like. If you prefer to look more girly I don't really know what to suggest. There appears to be new technology that is around for printing on fabric and what I think is improved garment quality thanks to anti-sweatshop action - not in every garment but it's worth looking at seams etc to check. I'm not sure what colours to recommend, there's purple and yellow from what I remember which is good if you have darker skin but not otherwise. Probably grey for 2009/ 10. We're in a recession, after all. Also, I think there has been a lot of change in the fashion industry, probably due to changes in practice re sweatshops and the recession, as well as the recent resurgence of hand-crafts as a leisure pursuit, so it's worth looking places that you wouldn't normally look. New rave is still here, if that's your cup of tea. Neons cheer everyone up.

If you're skint try charity shops or freecycle. Like I said, wash before you wear. I want to learn to make my own clothes.

That was hard work. This won't be a regular occurence. Just, I know that clothes are difficult. I think I read too much fashion journalism though.


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