Film time

Got my Wes Anderson box set today. Tonight's featured film is The Life Aquatic of Steve Zissou. I didn't really get it in the cinema so hopefully I'll enjoy it more this time round. I have the afternoon off so I'm cleaning, knitting and listening to cds from the cd swap I participated in. They're pretty good. Need to go swimming in a bit too.

My vegetable garden is happy with the rain. I'm growing tomatoes, squash, pumpkins and calabrese. I'll probably be gone before they give any vegetables, but my dad has promised to look after them and let me have some of the produce.

I've also just been given a beautiful copper pot that used to belong to my grandma. My mum's cleaning out and asked me if I'd like it. It's very old and tarnished so I need to clean it up. I'll take a picture when it's done.


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