
So the big news of the day is the major Ukip gains in the local elections.  I'm quite upset because I consider them to be basically a racist party, no matter how much they say they're not.  Nigel Garage was on the news this morning talking about how terrible the "second wave" (nice imagery there, rivers of blood, anyone?) of new member countries will be next January.  He made the point that 70,000 Polish people were predicted to come to Britain, and in fact, 700,000 did.  I don't know if this is true or not but I assume it is.  I'd ask him, given that 10 x more Polish people are in this country than predicted, isn't it amazing that this has caused practically  no problems.  I've heard it said that migrants are net contributors to the country economically, in terms of taxes paid, and benefits and services used.  I wish I had a source for that.  Anyway, yeah.  A sad day.


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