
I've got nicotine gum and I'm making Thai Green curry for dinner. It tastes incredible. I just realised it's vegan so I'll keep that up my sleeve for future dietary requests at my to-be-scheduled dinners. I'm working on my flat at the moment. My to do list for today said "clean and tidy flat SPOTLESS". I'm not there yet.

Other good things from today include a nice visit to a charity shop. I had an impromptu chat with the lady on the till. I've started talking to people who work in shops and I can't decide if that makes me a nice person or the worst kind of busybody. I draw the line at supermarkets though.

I bought a dress in the charity shop. I don't mind having a lot of clothes but I do need to sort things out a bit. At least that's something to do that's not spending money. I'll take them out to Emmaus in my new car. I have a car now. I don't drive it much but it's good when I do need it. I'm going to the seaside with some people in a couple of weeks. I'll take some photos.


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