August bank holiday

Overall I'm not having a good day. I just had to unpick a whole scarf because I made a mistake and I don't really know how frog, I need to undertake a major sort out of my belongings and reduce them by about a quarter and I still have no job so even the 3 day weekend treat isn't that amazing. I'm making myself take time off jobhunting (who invented the concept of treating the jobhunt like a full time job anyway. It's the worst idea I've ever heard) but I've got nothing to do. Hopefully I will get to do some gardening later. On the plus side, I now have a bike. It needs new brake pads but my sister has offered to help me put some on tomorrow.

Most boring blog post ever?


  1. To frog you just remove the scarf from the needles and pull on the string. Tada!


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