Pub :-)

Nice night in the pub yesterday. We went to two, both good contenders for my favourite pub in town. Had a proper sit and chat in the first one, until my companions got on the tequila, and then decamped to the other one where we kept drinking and playing darts until one person left and we were joined by two other people I only vaguely know so I sat watching the boxing and giving the appearance of carrying on a conversation with only half a mind on it.

I love being in the pub, pubs and everything about pub culture. I think the people like Toby Young and Nick Hornby, who have tried to reclaim pubs as a part of the white working class male traditions (or at least that's how I understand it) have kind of missed the point. I'm not sure that there's anything intrinsically white about pubs, unless it's some horrible EDL sympathising boozer (there are probably more of them around than you might think). True there was probably a generation where the middle class grew and bought houses young and so didn't go to the pub, but now you've got thirty year olds living in shared houses and pubs are full of teachers and telecoms engineers and there's nothing really working class about a lot of pubs apart from a sort of collective memory of how things were for our grandparents and their parents. And as for male, well as someone once said, the men go where the women are.

If you're interested in pub culture I recommend reading Last Orders by Graham Swift. It's a mighty book even if you're not particularly interested.

In other news, my housemates keep bitching to me about each other. Being naturally a peacemaker, I bitch back to all of them. As a tactic, this could blow up in my face if things ever come to a head. Anything for a quiet life though.


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