Had I not been awake

Did a lesson based on this poem (link repeated below) last Saturday. I asked the students the following questions:

1. What time of day do you think this poem is set?
2. Find a conditional in the poem.
3. Find 3 noise words.
4. Find 3 movement verbs.
5. Underline any words which you don't understand.

It went really well. It was nice, some students got the idea that it was probably early morning, some just managed to find "came" and "went" (I was really hoping for "rose" and "whirled"), but they all got something out of it. Most of them only underlined about 6 words too. Cue me trying to explain what a "courier blast" is. After a student helpfully provided the explanation that a courier is someone who delivers pizza, I said, "yeah, I think courier blast is just poetic". I really enjoyed it :-)



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